August 18, 2003


Anja Rau's Flickwerk has a stunning, juicy new design. It's Made With Tinderbox.

Flickwerk now has about 75 notes and folder, a stylesheet and 8 templates, all pulled neatly into 1 output-file, permalinks, automatic time-stamping and everything. .... And because content, styles and HTML-container are held separately, you can fiddle a lot without breaking much or losing the overview. But it's also better than a web-based blog-tool. I'm taking notes into Tinderbox all day, anyway. Now I can blog into it, too, even when I'm offline, without having to log into a web-service first.

The new Flickwerk is the first really new weblog design I've seen in a while. A whole year of archives in a big side-scrolling overview: fascinating.