February 5, 2003

Winter Wonderland

The snow started drifting down this morning, as expected. It kept drifting down, though, which wasn't expected, and even snow-savvy Boston was slipping and sliding in the slush.

But next week is going to be a busy time here at Eastgate. A Tinderbox update, version 1.2.3, is going to roll out early next week. Nothing earth-shattering, but lots of little improvements and and enhancements, and lots of work under the hood to support Tinderbox for Windows.

Also coming up next week is the pilot issue of Tekka, our new subscription magazine about enjoying new media and beautiful software. Subscribers will be receiving their personal access kit soon; you can go ahead and signup for access from Day 1.

We're also putting together the program for eNarrative 5 this May in Boston. We'll be talking about Tinderbox, Flash, weblogs, art, and everything digital. It's part of the Boston Cyberarts Festival, a big event that happens every two years and is one of the few times that the museum world and the digital literature get in touch.

Who needs sleep?