August 2, 2005


"But I don't like raw zucchini!", Linda reminded me, as I julienned the zucchini for Clotilde's Salade de Courgette et Poulet au Vinaigre de Framboise. I had no good ideas for last night's dinner, Clotilde's recipe looked nice, and I happened to have a very nice bottle of strawberry balsamic in the pantry.

That reminded me that I don't much like raw zucchini, either.

This turned out well, surprisingly enough, and without recourse to emergency trips to a local restaurant. Zucchini, I think, works better in matchsticks than in slices, if only because slices keep suggesting cucumber to me and zucchini, whatever its virtues, is not cucumber. I didn't happen to walk by Clotilde's Parisian rotisseries where you can get inexpensive chickens left over from lunch, alas, but I sauteed a couple of breasts and, for once, absolutely nailed the turning and burning.