June 19, 2006

Fresh Link Strategy

Instead of showing you the Link Apprentice's recommendations for recent posts, I'm going to use the Link Apprentice to advise me on hand-linking the last few months of posts.

I've long thought that, if notes were richly linked within a weblog, the weblog would be vastly more interesting. Instead of finding a few words on a topic, you'd find a few words and a few pathways whenever you landed. That could lead to rich opportunities for deeper reading, and it would give us a better use for our archives than wrapping virtual fish.

Three links per node or it's not a hypertext -- from the TINAC manifesto

Previous attempts to deeply link weblogs -- such as categories and tag clouds -- have failed because they ask for too much work and expect too much consistency. I'm hoping that the link apprentice will offer some good suggestions, and that will make linking fast enough.

Fresh Link Strategy

Here's a diagram of links among weblog posts, starting from this particular note. It's not yet an extensive link network, but with the aid of the assistant I seem to be able to link a month of posts in a half hour or so.

Update: Tammy Ames likes the idea.