May 10, 2003


Tim Bray looks back on a year of MacOS X in a solid, thoughtful, technical piece that foregrounds ideas, not religion. He's a very technical user, he had good reasons for switching, and he takes a sober look at how the reasoning held up.

He's concerned that his TiBook is beginning to show wear after a year of hard use. But Bray is a pro who makes heavy demands on his computer, and he should expect to replace his machine every two years where a typical user might get three years. Designing the machine to show no wear at the half-point of its expected life might be over-engineering, unless appearance is important. That's true if you give a lot of client presentations, but it's minor if you code backstage.

When I was in England, Les Carr has just bought a 17" TiBook after years and years away from the Macintosh. He was positively giddy with delight on discovering that things actually worked. That's significant: Carr is a distinguished computer scientist who does systems, not just theory; when you exceed his expectations, you're doing it right.