November 1, 2001
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After starting the year in a daze, Buffy is getting back to earth. Last night's episode (6.4) opens some interesting new corridors. Dawn (whose Entry into Womanhood took place atop a derrick at the end of the world last year) enjoys parking with an unsuitable young man, and Willow continues to explore whether using high technology (witchcraft) for frivolous or selfish ends leads to prosperity, or elsewhere.

Give the show credit, too, for taking risks in order to be honest -- even if the risks aren't prominent. In 6.4, Tara and Willow kiss, casually, familiarly, in a crowded nightclub. It's just an acknowledgement, a gesture in the middle of an argument. It's exactly what the characters would do, and the director lets them do it, without making a fuss: kiss, smile, move. If you're still put off by the silly premise, don't be: Buffy has some of the finest, tightest dialog on screen or on stage.