October 11, 2004

Asilomar Tinderbox

Asilomar Tinderbox
Following last week's Asilomar conference, Jorge Arango posts a fascinating and detailed explanation of how he uses Tinderbox in his practice.

In later sessions, we take these notes and start grouping them. Usually, the grouping will arise from the discussions with the client. In other cases, the groupings are implicit in the content itself. In either case, I use decorations in Tinderbox to start organizing the content groups. I also start exploring links between notes, and understanding how they relate to each other.
... the real power of the tool comes in when attributes are applied to the notes....
... The end result is a rough sketch of the site’s structure and content. The clincher is that Tinderbox can generate entire HTML web sites from these notes, so site prototypes are fairly easy to generate.