Novelist Mike Brown is using Tinderbox to plan his next book and revise his last.
What I've been absorbed in the last week is the learning of Tinderbox. I heard about this "personal content assistant" software trolling my favorite writing software Scrivener's forums, and Tinderbox sounded like it could do much to quiet the nag within me that always compares what I’ve done with what I had planned to do, whether it is a new novel or the rewrite of one already completed.
So in a deep funk, several weeks ago I was prodded by an inner certainty to learn Tinderbox. How much can I learn about Tinderbox? I don’t know. Yet, I am hooked. The brilliant concept of throwing notes at a wall, contemplating them, seeing what sticks, what links, leaving the mind free, has let me break through--I think, I hope--my unwillingness to re-imagine Dust/Hidden Children/Hidden Laughter in a way that brings out everything it was meant to be, and which allows me to feel that I've grown.