Tinderbox 2.1
Tinderbox 2.1 is out. Download it right away; in addition to a bunch of nice user interface improvements, it adds Export Macros which make complicated Web export problems a breeze.
Some of the macros I'm finding most useful include:
All these were easy to do before, but the macros make them cleaner and simpler. That, in turn, makes it more likely that I'll remember to use them.
Doug Miller observes that lots of his favorite weblogs are written by academics who use Tinderbox.
What I am interested in finding out more about is how these academics make use of Tinderbox for non-blogging applications. What sort of other ways are people employing Tinderbox? What cool agent ideas are people cooking up? How is Tinderbox helping you manage content locally? What directions are you pushing non-HTML desktop hypertext into? I'd love to read more about what other people are doing, so I can file off the serial numbers and make better use of Tinderbox in my own work.