The Spielberg/Kushner West Side Story is, I think, the first time that a remake of a great movie has turned out to be a greater movie. Extraordinary.
Bernstein and Sondheim, Robbins and Laurents were not exceptionally optimistic, but they held out some hope:
We'll find a new way of living
We'll find a way of forgiving
They must have believed, because the whole conception is an argument for this. But, fifty years on, with Nazis again on the march, and as the editorial board of the New York Times argues that we should accept the inevitable Russian victory because delaying our submission to the yoke of totalitarianism may be costly?
Two weeks ago, I started, a site where you can send a pizza to a Kharkiv subway bomb shelter. You send me money, and I bundle up the orders each day and pass them along to a couple of places in Kharkiv that are making pizzas for people who need them.
In addition to bomb shelters, we’re sending pizza to emergency rooms, ambulance crews, teachers, and even people out in the parks (between air raids) who need cheering up.
We’ve delivered more than 600 pizzas.