December 4, 2005

Stretch Text

Also in the new Tekka: Ian Lyons presents new media works textStretcher and cellPoetics, with an introduction by George P. Landow.

One of the most important distinguishing characteristics of stretchtext follows from this manner of operation: Stretchtext does not fragment the text. Instead, it retains the text on the screen that gives context to an anchor formed by word or phrase even after it has been activated. Stretching the text provides a more immediate perceptual incorporation of the linked-to text with the text from which the link originates. In effect, text becomes context as new text is added; or rather, the previously present text remains as new text appears and serves as its context.

It's interesting to see stretch text come back into fashion. See also Fagerjord's stretch-paper. The first stretch text renaissance was led by Peter J. Brown at the University of Kent.