July 18, 2005

Living Categories

Categories and topics and tags are great, if you remember to use them. But everyone's busy, and sometimes it's tempting to hit publish right now and spread the news, leaving things unsorted. Or, worse, you toss the post into some convenient bin, but later that turns out to be the wrong bin. How many people go back and clean up their weblog category assignments?

Tinderbox can help.

You can set an agent to look for things in its category, or for things that aren't categorized at all but that probably should be:

Query: Topic=WebDesign | URL(aListApart) | Text(CSS) | Text(Corbusier)

Action: Topic|=WebDesign

This finds all your Web Design notes, plus any notes sources from A List Apart as well as any notes that mention CSS or Le Corbusier and gathers them on a category page. And, if it turns out that some of these notes are uncategorized, Tinderbox tags them in Web Design.

Hint: TEKKA is looking for good notes about using Tinderbox. TEKKA pays. We're also looking for speakers for Tinderbox Weekend. Email Elin Sjursen with story ideas.