An Event Apart
Jeffrey Zeldman’s A List Apart is among the oldest and most influential sources of information about the Web and digital culture. Its reach is long; the crusade for Web standards began there, as did the current movement for adaptive design that transforms fluidly from pocket screens to laptops and to living-room walls. I’m proud to have written there; my piece on writing for weblogs is probably more widely read, cited, anthologized, and assigned to more students, than anything else I’ve done.
A List Apart has spawned an itinerant conference, An Event Apart, that’s coming to Boston this year on May 16-18. It’s got some great program components.
- Eric Meyer on Compassionate Design
- Rachel Andrews on CSS Grids
- Josh Clark on The Physical Interface
- and lots more.
You can save $100 on this event (or on events in other cities) with coupon code AEABERN.