October 25, 2024

The world of Benjamin of Tudela : a medieval Mediterranean travelogue

A delightful book. Benjamin left his small town in northeast Spain sometime in the 1160s and went...everywhere. Rome, Constantinople, Israel, Baghdad, Cairo. Everywhere, he asks (and notes down) the same questions. “How many Jews live here? How badly are they oppressed? Who are the smartest and most interesting Jews?” And also, I fancy, “What’s for dinner?” He talks Talmud with anti-rabbinic Karaite Jews in Constantinople, and goes star-gazing with an astronomer in Tiberias.

In Damascus, he observers that “It seems to me that the Karaites are an acerbic bunch, very argumentative. Arguing may be their only pleasure…. Yet the Karaites are avid proponents of return to the land of our forefathers.”