December 12, 2004


Jill posts a flurry of interesting notes, and perhaps the most interesting concerns a blog-style remix of Olia Lialina's My Boyfriend Came Back from the War. Jill says

It's been remixed many times, but this is the worst example I've seen.

It's pretty bad. The whole point of this nifty little work is progressive disclosure; it's the very essence of Aarseth's ergodic. Reverse chronological order is probably the worst choice, the blog's ease of use contradicts ergodicity, and the template resists the collage that is so important to the work's effect.

I can't imagine what the implementer had in mind. I can't imagine who to blame: Olia's site attributes it to "abe linkoln", but I can't find any evidence of that. (The remix suffers from that common blog annoyance, the coyly hidden or missing link to the person responsible. I guess people imagine this is charmingly modest. They're mistaken.)

The original was important, fine, and influential. I'd like to know what became of Lialina, what her films are like, and what of her subsequent work is most worthwhile. (Attn: Gene, Ina, and Lilia -- literary hypertext could probably use a hand here from someone who reads Russian....)