February 14, 2005

MORE Weekend Feedback

Jeffrey Radcliffe has some nice comments about Tinderbox Weekend.

Doug Miller's use of Rules (new in Tinderbox 2.4) is going to make my life that much better. Still, the highlight for me was what happened in the cracks between presentations; chats during breaks and and meals with fellow Tinderboxers. A++++ would Weekend again, and all that jazz.

Doug Miller has a wonderful trip report on the weekend, a real must-read.

The Eastgate team really needs to be commended in how they put these things together. It's tough to pull off small, intimate conferences multiple times per year, but they seem to do it.

It's nice that he talks about Barbara Bean, our office manager, whose domain is in the basement and who does a ton of work behind the scenes to make these weekends go smoothly, and Rosemary Simpson, the Tinderbox wiki gardener.