February 1, 2006

Digital Storytelling

Adrian Miles says he's been too busy to blog, but does mention an interesting (and sold-out!) conference on Digital Storytelling coming up in Melbourne.

It's interesting how orthodox digital storytelling has gained specific pockets of uptake. Berkeley, Melbourne, Wales. What do these places have in common?

It would be interesting to free digital storytelling from what one Blogtalk Downunder speaker called its relentless optimism -- an attitude that stems from the need to have a story (or it would not be storytelling) that is authentic and true (or it would not be 'personal' as the digital storytellers understand it) and that can be told in a 210-second script (imposed by the need to be able to finish the digital story in the course of a workshop). My guess is that all three factors are ripe for attack; see also the growth of podcasting and its variants.

On 17-18 June, I'd like to gather a group here in Boston for eNarrative 7: Hyperfest -- a conclave to explore the 24-hour hypertext. (See Scott McCloud's 24-hour comic page for inspiration)