One Spring week about twelve years ago, Linda went off to a conference and I, finding myself at loose ends, tried a spell of round-the-clock programming. Here are the opening moves:
class Hypertext { private: Node *root; HypertextDoc *doc; Prefs *prefs; };
An exhausting, grueling week later, I had an entirely new implementation of Hereford, the common foundation for Storyspace and Tinderbox, built on a fresh new platform in a fresh new language. About half of the week went to writing the Preferences system and its editor, and that code (for better or worse) is still running in Storyspace and Tinderbox.
Some time has passed. We need a fresh Storyspace. I’m of two minds about the best engineering approach, but for the first sprint I think we’ll start with a rewrite. So: finger exercises, stretching, and off we go. @interface Hypertext : NSObject {...}