November 14, 2005

Gallery Day

Arriving in San Francisco for Tinderbox weekend with the dawn's early light, we unpacked, checked for crisis management, had a spicy little lunch on Maiden Lane, and embarked on an abbreviated gallery crawl.

Gallery Day
Raphael Soyer
The highlight was a nice little collection of prints, drawings, lithographs by (early) 20th century US artists at George Krevsky. This is Young Model, a Raphael Soyer lithograph. Still better is Martin Lewis' Night, New York; the foreground figure is good but the shadowed couple in the distance are terrific. Next door, I found Sara Carter's plaid grids intriguing: perhaps they're really an exercise, but they're an interesting exercise, an exercise that makes you want to try it yourself.

SFMOMA is itself -- excellent. Like many art museums these days, it's frightfully expensive to visit. I understand the reasoning. But how are we going to get kids, and young artists, to support museums?