November 5, 2007

Neutraface 2

Via DaringFireball, House Industries has released Neutraface No. 2, a reconceptualized descendant of Neutraface. I first saw Neutraface through a Communications Arts essay that singled it out as a modern decendant of Eurostile, of which I have always been very fond. I must say I'm tempted.

Following up an earlier discussion, I went for Omnes over Bryant. It worked very nicely, I thought, in the OOPSLA talk. The bold and light extremes have a very different feel, far beyond their weight, and that makes Omnes both flexible and a little tricky, but I'm happy as punch. I did try a text setting for a postcard we're printing this week, and wound up retreating to Proxima for better legibility. But we were down to 8pt and hurting for space, and Omnes would have worked if it had to.