WIkiSym 08

I'm going to be Program Chair of WikiSym, the ACM's International Symposium on Wikis. It'll be the fourth WikiSym, and it'll be next Fall.
Dates and places are in a scrambled state, thanks to the recent wildfires. We'll settle it soon.
WikiSym is the premier place to publish, and to hear about, the best current research on wikis. It's got a unique combination of intellectual depth, prestige, and insight. It's one of the most interdisciplinary conferences around.
So, if you've done top-notch research in wikis, weblogs, CSCW, social networks, or constructive hypertext, send it to WikiSym. We'll have panels and posters and demos — and this is one of those rare conferences where posters are worth presenting, where everyone reads and discusses the posters. I'd also love to have a Wiki BarnRaising and CodeSprint, which ought to be an experience!
Ideas and inspirations -- and willing hands -- please Email me.