Tweet Music To My Ears
Oh, and thank Pete the new site was in Tinderbox... it made the update a little less painful than I remember them being.
That's what we like to hear!
Seriously, a very nice thing about using Tinderbox for small sites is that you can easily divide the page into small, functional blocks. This note is a container for news, this note talks about the key features, that note has links to related site, and that one tells people how to pay.
If you are changing the site all the time, you need Tinderbox because you can easily fix what needs fixing, while not worrying about breaking the whole structure because you got your >div>'s
And if you are not changing the site all the time, you really need Tinderbox because you can easily see how the page is put together, even though you haven't touched it in a while.
- Spam Sieve
- Why you need an ABOUT page
- Dumb
- Work out
- Game Query Considered Excitingly Dull
- Viennese
- Radiant Thought on Tinderbox 4
- Bonds
- Tinderbox 4: ^value
- Context Persistance
- Laurel on Design
- Worst Kitchen Of 1960
- TinderWest
- A NeoVictorian Response to YAGNI
- Marbleized Journals
- Tinderbox 4: Containers
- Tinderbox 4: Shapes
- Tinderbox 4: Twitter
- Radiant Thought on Tinderbox 4
- Modular
- Figaro
- Ready for Anything
- What's wrong with us?
- Fonts
- The Jewish King Lear
- Hinman on Data Analysis
- 8 random facts
- Ready for Anything
- Radiant Thought on Tinderbox 4
- Radiant Thought on Tinderbox 4
- Torture
- Fonts
- Music metadata
- Knife