April 6, 2010
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Brian Gregory is interested in optimizing healthcare systems – using hospital facilities efficiently, and getting the most from each physician and caregiver.

When you get into healthcare, the interactions can be much more complicated, and the patterns may need to be more complicated to show as much information as possible at once, but that can be understood, with practice, by someone who can and will alter some action to effect a beneficial change.

His recent discussion of the productivity of surgeons calls out Tinderbox as part of a fresh emphasis on visualization for discovering patterns, not merely for impressing managers.

Lots of software nowadays ... tries to graphically represent information by use of our sense of color, shape, relative position and size, fluctuations and more.  One good example is Tinderbox by Mark Bernstein (www.eastgate.com) that permits such control of visual cues that it has a dedicated following of people who use it for visual exploratory analysis of data