June 6, 2009
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Another thoughtful diner

Carol Blymire (the blogger behind Alinea At Home) went to Alinea last week and blogs the menu we enjoyed so well. Gotta love the enthusiasm:

It was the first time in my life I ever had a foie course that was light and airy and fragrant in this way.  I could've eaten three of these.  Or four.  Or eleventy hundred kabillion frillion.

Blymire has recently been diagnosed with celiac, so she can’t eat wheat; when they came to the pigeonneau à la Saint-Clair, they’d simply planned ahead and made her crust with rice flour. That’s lovely. Think about it: the day before (or, perhaps, early that morning), they’d gone into the kitchen and started a special croustade specifically for her. Started two, I expect, because if you don’t have a spare, you’re gonna need it.