June 23, 2010
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Kandahar Timeline

Alex Strick van Linschoten has prepared a detailed Kandahar Timeline 1979-2010, using Tinderbox to gather and organize information from numerous sources and then exporting to Simile Timeline (an MIT project for Web timelines). He writes

I used an extremely nifty piece of software called Tinderbox (Mac only, apologies…) and was given a lot of help by some people who understand its ins and outs far better than I currently do. So special thanks to Mark Anderson for that, and to Mark Bernstein for writing the software in the first place. I use Tinderbox for almost all of my work these days (data gathering, data sorting, data organisation… the list goes on) and strongly recommend others with high-volume complex data projects to give it a try.
Kandahar Timeline

Mark Anderson and the authors undertook a great deal of work to streamline the data organization and to coax it into a format that Simile would understand. We’ll all benefit from this shortly, as it appears we’ll soon be able to make the process completely routine.