May 27, 2011
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Software Craftsmanship as a Pub

Via the redoubtable Ruby chanteuse Eleanor McHugh, Jason Gorman explains artisanal software in terms of Real Ale:

To me, "software craftsmanship" is a pub where a certain crowd of talented, brilliant and passionate programmers hang out.

Back in the late eighties and early nineties, they hung out in the "Object Oriented Arms", which had great real ale and comfy chairs. But the OO Arms got overrun by consultants and salesmen in suits who all stood around drinking expensive cocktails and talking ignorant crap in very loud voices, so the crowd started drinking in the "Patterns Bar" a few hundred yards down the high street.

In then end, “a bunch of us have decided to open our own pub, called "Software Craftsmanship" - a traditional, no-frills boozer where all that matters is quality beer and good conversation.”